Digital photography involves importing, processing and publishing hundreds or even thousands of photographic files, usually in RAW format, which requires the use of specialized software.


The leader in this type of program is a fairly well known paid software, it is complete and easy to use, but like most of the products of this company, high priced and not worth it, less when it comes to a hobby. Looking for a free alternative I came across RAW Therapee, a great replacement that fulfills its basic tasks well:

Captura de la interfaz de Raw Therapee con la foto de un atardecer.

  • Exposure control, white balance, highlights and under, color and luminance.
  • Recovery for over or underexposure.
  • Crop, alignment and resize tools.
  • Corrections for noise, focus, vignetting, chromatic aberrations, distortion.
  • Processing profiles.
  • Export and optimization to other formats.
  • File browser.

The complete list of features is on the RAW Therapee website.

Download Raw Therapee

It is available in Spanish and several other languages for the following operating systems: GNU/Linux, windows and mac.

Download: RAW Therapee.


One of the main positive points of Raw Therapee is its license, GPLv3. Raw Therapee is free and open software, that means that it is not free / no cost, but it guarantees the 4 main freedoms of free software:

  • The freedom to run and use it as you wish and for any purpose, including commercial.
  • The freedom to study how it works and change it to your liking. With access to the source code as a requirement.
  • The freedom to distribute copies and thus help others.
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions of the program. Giving others the opportunity to benefit from your modifications. With access to the source code as a requirement.

And like much free software, it has an excellent community where you can learn and contribute.


Raw Therapee is a good example that free software can be as good, or even better, than the commercial options on the market. It also has the benefit of being economical (no cost) and ethical (no exploitation of your personal data and photos). Without a doubt this is my favorite program for importing, developing, editing and exporting photographs in raw format. Personally recommended.